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Daniel Nashed

Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

Daniel Nashed – 21 December 2010 09:06:23

We had the same issue already on Linux when installing 8.5.2 IF1 and IF2 and I thought IBM is going to fix this in 8.5.2 FP1.
But the problem still occurs and just to have you aware and how to slove it read the following.

When you run the FP installer you get the following error message

Lotus Notes for Unix Install Program
Installer is initializing. It may take a few minutes, please, wait.

Error: The minimum supported terminal size is 130 columns by 24 rows.
Please ensure that the terminal/window used is at least this size.

The problem does not occur with 8.5.2. I have first seen this with IF1

It looks like the change of the license agreement (a link in the agreement) causes that we need the larger terminal window size.

In some cases just increasing the number of columns in the same session helps.
For me with putty I had to change the settings in the window menu and open a new session to resolve this.

Not a big deal in general but it might take some time to figure out that you have to create a new session with the new settings that the installer figures out that you have increased the terminal window size.
This might work differently with other SSH clients.

-- Daniel

1Sean Cull  21.12.2010 10:45:09  Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

It caught me out too.

Can't remember exactly what I did but double clicking on the top border of putty to maximise the screen might work without having to leave the session.

2Mitch Cohen  21.12.2010 13:39:16  Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

Thanks for this - very helpful

3Qaiser Fareed Jadoon  22.12.2010 6:28:32  Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

I also faced the same problem while installing Domino 8.5.2 FP1 on SLES 11 SP1 x64

The solution to this problem is to increase your screen resolution to 1176*885 or higher and run the installation again

your comments are appreciated in this regard

4Oliver Regelmann  23.12.2010 0:36:41  Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

For me just resizing the Putty window worked. No need to change settings or create a new session.

5Torben Volkmann  28.12.2010 21:25:14  Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

Mhmm seemed that I have a jackpot here. None of your tips worked for me and putty. I was only able to install directly at the machine. I'm using centOS 5

6Daniel Nashed  30.12.2010 8:30:42  Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

@Torben, that's odd. what we needed to do is to change the settings in putty and open a new session. that helped in all my cases.

7James Green  02.01.2011 20:01:32  Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

Thanks for the tip Daniel. Like Oliver I was also able to just maximize my Putty window and did not have to create a new session.

8Johann Lumandas  11.02.2012 4:40:22  Domino on Unix Larger Terminal Window Size needed for new Fixpacks

I also encountered this error using Domino 8.5.2 Fixpack 4



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