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Daniel Nashed


ISO 8601 date format in Lotus Script

Daniel Nashed  2 October 2021 15:39:22

ISO 8601 date format isn't a new requirement but there isn't an implementation yet -- but there is an AHA idea.

Took me a moment to write conversion function. None of the date format functions helped.

The format string always appended the "GMT" string.

The tick is to use a NotesDateTime first to ensure you can convert into GMT.

In the next step LSGMTTime is important to convert the date to a normal Date (as a Variant ..).

Finally craft your own date string using the Format function for leading zeros..

-- Daniel


Update 3.9.2021: Lars came up with an easier way. I am not sure why I always had "GMT" added to my string when I tested with the Format function.

Here is a more simple way from Lars Berntrop-Bos:

Function ISO8601Date(dateTime As NotesDateTime) As String

  ISO8601Date = Format$(dateTime.LSGMTTime, "yyyy\-mm\-dd\Thh\:nn\:ss\Z")

End Function

Thanks Lars! This makes it more simple and this is why posting solutions make sense. Someone in the community might come up with a better solution! Cool thanks!

-- Daniel



Function ISO8601Date (dateTime As NotesDateTime) As String

 Dim gmt As Variant

 gmt = dateTime.LSGMTTime

 ISO8601Date =  Format (Year (gmt),"0000") + "-" + Format (Month (gmt),"00") + "-" + Format (Day (gmt),"00") + "T" + Format (Hour (gmt),"00") + ":" + Format (Minute (gmt),"00") + ":" + Format (Second (gmt), "00") + "Z"

End Function


1Richard Moy  02.10.2021 21:13:52  ISO 8601 date format in Lotus Script

We only been working with the GMT format when interacting with the browser

2Lars Berntrop-Bos  03.10.2021 11:21:43  ISO 8601 date format in Lotus Script

somewhat shorter:

Function ISO8601Date(dateTime As NotesDateTime) As String

ISO8601Date = Format$(dateTime.LSGMTTime, "yyyy\-mm\-dd\Thh\:nn\:ss\Z")

End Function ' ISO8601Date

3Lars Berntrop-Bos  03.10.2021 11:24:02  ISO 8601 date format in Lotus Script

I added the slashes before the minus , T, Z and colon characters to prevent localization interfering. Plus it is now only one function call

4Karl Hartmann  04.10.2021 15:21:59  ISO 8601 date format in Lotus Script

What about

ISO8601Date = Format$(dateTime.LSGMTTime, "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss")

5Lars Berntrop-Bos  06.10.2021 19:40:29  ISO 8601 date format in Lotus Script


The colons are translated to the time separator for you region. Which may not be the colon needed for ISO 8601. That is why I use the escape characters, to force the characters I want in the string. And your spec is missing the T and Z characters.


30 years of having to dot my i's and cross my t's finally paying off...



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