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Daniel Nashed

iOS 13.5 has finally been released!

Daniel Nashed – 21 May 2020 21:49:02
I was already missing my Apple mail client, because I disbled it on all of my devices thru a Traveler setting.

The security page at Apple isn't updated yet -->

They didn't really think this fix was important. I would have expected to get a intermediate fix before rolling out 13.5.
But apparendly they put all the energy into the back-end APIs needed for the "Corona" apps, which I would see as important, that the security fixes.

-- Daniel


1Detlev Poettgen  22.05.2020 11:14:05  iOS 13.5 has finally been released!

Apple released an update for iOS12, too!

iOS 12.4.7 is available and should contain the Mail app fix.

As you mentioned Daniel, Apple had not updated the security fix list yet, but it should be the reason for the 12..4.7 release.



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