Domino on Linux/Unix, Troubleshooting, Best Practices, Tips and more ...


Daniel Nashed

How long does it take to update a server to Domino 12.0.1?

Daniel Nashed – 14 December 2021 10:58:50

0.  Preparation

git pull to get the latest domino-docker changes.

./ domino to build the Domino server.

Depending on the environment this might take 4-8 build automation time. After that you have your new image.
Of course the new web kit for 12.0.1 needs to be available either locally or via HTTP/HTTPS.

1. Build custom image

While my production client was still updating I took the Domino Community Docker image, the domino_container script and built my add-on image with all the additional server tasks and extension managers I need.

Time: ~15 sec

2. Update the container image -- in my case on podman

Next I took a look into the current version running and new available image, I just built.

Then a single command shuts down the existing container, removes it and brings up the container with V12.0.1. ---

Time: ~30 sec (because of the server shutdown)

domino_container inspect
(Using config file /etc/sysconfig/domino_container)

Info: New Image Version available!

 Runtime        :  Podman 3.4.1-dev
 Status         :  running
 Health         :  healthy
 Started        :  13.11.2021 20:16:29

 Name           :  domino-nashcom
 Image          :  hclcom/domino:latest
 Version        :  12.0.1
 Domino Ver CNT :  12.0.1BETA2
 Domino Ver IMG :  12.0.1
 BuildTime CNT  :  17.10.2021 15:16:03
 BuildTime IMG  :  14.12.2021 11:51:56

 Hostname       :
 Volumes        :  /local/zfs/backup /local/podman/local
 Mounts         :  /zfs /local

 Container ID   :  a2ef7ccd45e5
 Image-ID CNT   :  5301a714d226
 Image-ID IMG   :  b633cb7d9b0d

 Image Size     :  2028 MB
 NetworkMode    :  host
 Driver         :  overlay

domino_container update
(Using config file /etc/sysconfig/domino_container)

Info: New Image Version available!

Updating Container [domino-nashcom] ...

Stopping Container ...
Stopping systemd domino_container.service

Creating & starting new Container [domino-nashcom] ...

Starting systemd domino_container.service

Successfully updated Container [domino-nashcom]

This means the server hosting this blog is updated to Domino 12.0.1 GA.

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    • [Daniel Nashed]