HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Daniel Nashed – 31 March 2019 10:52:29
Just in time before of Q1 HCL releases the following two updates: 1. Notes/Domino 10.0.1 FP1
This is a FixPack not a FeaturePack. In contrast to 9.0.1 with the FeaturePacks IBM/HCL went back to a full release cycle which makes a lot of sense.
We will see an new version every year with quaterly FixPacks and if needed Interims Fixes (IFs) for the released versions.
This is the first fixpack. The release notes have been already published but they are not final. There could be additional fixes that are not listed yet.
There are a couple of importan fixes and also some new notes.ini settings for SAML to customize the current behavior.
2. IBM Domino AppDev Pack 1.0.1
With 1.0.1 HCL ships the IAM component for authentication as a supported product and also adds support for Windows.
See this blog posts for the official statement with details an links.
I got many questions when the G1 Language Kit will be released.
From what I understood, it's ready to be reshipped. And it has been tested with FP1.
-- Daniel
- Comments [12]
1Wayne Scarano 01.04.2019 16:22:22 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Downloaded and installed the following Mac 10.0.1 fp1 and Notes could no longer launch. Installing 10.0.1 again. Anyone else have an issue? The download is only 48.1 - usually FP's are the full monty.
The following files implement this fix.
notes1001FP1_standard_macosx.dmg (48.1 MB)
2Wayne Scarano 01.04.2019 16:23:38 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Ouch. Reinstall of 10.0.1 failed. Uggg.
3Wayne Scarano 01.04.2019 16:39:46 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Uninstalled and reinstalled 10.0.1 and working. I'll hold off on FP1 for now.
On another note, when 10.0.1 starts it displays a Notes wait dialog box for a minute or so, which is annoying. Others seeing same side effect?
4Kaare 02.04.2019 12:38:52 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Any idea when the Danish language-pack is released for v10?
5Daniel Nashed 02.04.2019 17:59:01 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
@Kaare, I don't know.
There have been issues with the G1 Language versions and they will be released this week.
I did not hear anything about the other languages.
Group 2A - Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish
I would assume they are next on the list but I don't have any details.
Are you installing it in Dutch or are you more interested in the spell-check dictionaries?
I assumed most people your region are very English language oriented.
In Germany most customers really install the clients in German.
-- Daniel
664bit 04.04.2019 1:29:42 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Anyone encountered such problem?
After upgraded from Notes 10.0.1 to 10.0.1 FP1 (with Administrator & Designer client), sometimes I am not able to open Notes application in my Notes workspace. Double click the application, for example Domino Directory but it does not run. No error message. But no problem opening mailbox.
Workaround is restart Notes client.
7Christian Gut 04.04.2019 7:03:54 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
As Wayne Scarano pointed out, the installer of FP1 for macOS is broken. This is the error after upgrading:
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/libdxlo.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/IBM Notes.app/Contents/MacOS/libnotesws.dylib
Reason: image not found
zsh: abort notes -RPARAMS -clean
So Notes is missing a library (whats called dll on Windows). I tested this on High Sierra (10.13) and Mojave (10.14). One of these was a completely new installation of Notes. I am pretty anxious how such an error can pass QA.
8Christian Gut 04.04.2019 7:17:50 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Copying over the missing library libdxlo.dylib from a 10.0.1 installation lets us start the Client but then we get a "Notes initialization failed". If you start the client from commandline within "/Applications/IBM Notes.app/Contents/MacOS", then notes starts and is usable, but it is the Basic version.
9Daniel Nashed 04.04.2019 12:29:29 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
@Christian, this does not look like a general issue.
Just spoke with someone who just installed it today on "MAC OS Mojave : 10.14.3"
I sent you a mail offline. I am not really a Mac user and my Virtual Mac on VMware doesn't start any more ..
-- Daniel
10Christian Gut 04.04.2019 14:05:14 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Further investigation and the spectacular support did bring the issue further:
Somehow the installation on two different machines showed the exact same error. Despite those were installed with 10.0.1 latelly (no Update) another remove of everything Notes and a clean reinstall solved the issue. Case closed.
So I cannot say what caused the issue but a complete deinstallation (see: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSKTMJ_9.0.1/admin/inst_uninstallingnotesfromamacosxclient_c.html) helps to solve the issue.
11Kaare 05.04.2019 9:35:58 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
Thanks for your reply :)
We install our Domino-servers, Designer, Traveler and Administrator in English - but all our clients in Danish.
We are not going to upgrade anything til v10 before the Danish-version is RTW
12Wong KY 09.07.2019 6:50:35 HCL releases 10.0.1 FP1 and AppDev Pack 1.0.1
The issue is really strange... I suffered the issue since Notes Version 9 almost 2 years... While I never perform a full uninstall in my Mac... Today I've just reinstall Notes 10.0.1 and FP 2 again. It failed again.
But once I performed clean uninstall and reinstall 10.0.1, it works. Then I install FP2, also works normally