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Daniel Nashed

HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

Daniel Nashed – 9 June 2021 18:35:59

Wow this is great news! And this is the first time HCL publishes something like this on GitHub as open source.
The Domino meeting integration for the following providers is planned to be in 12.0.1. But if you are on 11.0.1 FP3 clients, you can start using it today!
  • Zoom
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Webex
  • GoToMeeting
  • HCL Sametime
There is a way to customize your standard templates and there is a small web server you have to run for the integration thru a Notes database.
And the server component can be used for example as a Docker container. I have quickly started it today during the DNUG conference meeting when we got the news that's available.
I have not looked into the template side yet. Just wanted to get out this great news ..

The best starting point for the documentation is here -->
And the GitHub repository for this project is here -->

-- Daniel


1Leon  10.06.2021 7:21:08  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available


Ist es normal das der Teams Link zweimal im Meeting zu sehen ist?

Also einmal unter Ort und einmal unter "online Besprechung - URL".

Sonst tolle sache, aber ich fände es gut wenn es einen weiteren Kalendertyp "Teams Meeting" gibt, statt dieses Buttons.

2Daniel Nashed  10.06.2021 9:24:47  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available


I haven't used it on my own yet. But great that it works for you.

If you post your replies in English the chance is higher that someone picks up your question ;-)

Without nowing all the details about the fields .. keep in mind that a project like this cannot change anything in the current fields used or calendar types.

It has to stay in the same way Notes handles meetings.

Different devices and target environments might see different fields. so it might be intention to add it to both.

-- Daniel

3Erik Schwalb  10.06.2021 15:38:00  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

@Leon - If you have Notes developer skills, you can customize the modifications made to the mail template and change the enduser experience. However, i would advise to stay within the current logic of "meetings" in Domino Calendaring&Scheduling that can optionally have an online meeting attached and not "invent" a new calendar entry type for this of integration. As Daniel pointed out, you otherwise run into the risk of breaking things, especially when it comes to interoperability with other non-Notes calendar applications.

4Jason Ferber  10.06.2021 15:58:05  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

Is there anything more than just placing a copy of Domi.nsf on the domino server and signing it with the a template signing ID. I am having issues updating or deleting meeting with WebEx using an 11 mail template with an 11.0.1 FP3 client. I see that you mention something about a small web application but I see no mention of it in the documentation as a pre-req.

The message I get for attempting to Update or delete is "No Service is Configured for"

Am I missing something. Creating the meeting in Webex works great just nothing else...

5Oliver Regelmann  11.06.2021 8:39:47  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

Needs a small web application that doesn't run on Domino? WTF?

6Jan  15.06.2021 12:46:36  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available


Please take a look at the documentation Overview > Architecture.

Quote: "DOMI comprises two elements:

- A Vert.x web application which performs the OAuth dance with the online meeting provider services.

- An HCL Notes installation database ...."

So yes, you're probably missing the web application.

7David  15.06.2021 17:09:34  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

@Jan: Yes, but for the out-of-the-box integrations (Zoom, Teams, etc.) that web application is being hosted by HCL.

My understanding is that, for most scenarios, you only need to worry about the web application if you need to customize the integrations.

8Mario  22.06.2021 14:05:35  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available


we have a problem with the OAUTH token on a notes client (not at all).

After pasting the copied token a msgbox shows an error: "Faild to validate your OAUTH Token. Please use the Get OAUTH-Token ...."

...but we used it....any idea?...

9David  29.07.2021 6:25:27  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

"Faild to validate your OAUTH Token. Please use the Get OAUTH-Token ...."

- are you using notes on terminalserver?

If yes, domi is not supported there as notes client is not supported on ms terminalserver. According to hcl support.

10Rolf  26.08.2021 6:21:39  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

works great on Windows but I get error messages on Mac/OSX clients. Does anybody has experience/tested it on OSX (12.0)

11Julian  27.10.2021 12:44:17  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

Hello David I have the same error Faild to validate your OAUTH Token, could you solve it ?

12Daniel   12.12.2022 9:31:59  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

Is it possible to use DOMI with deligated access?

We have some People in the company need to be able to create Teams meetings in other Peoples Calenders.

Is this possible? If it it is, how?

13Melvin Degiorgio  02.03.2023 9:13:09  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

Online meeting credentials is not showing in Views of HCL Notes v11.0.1 FP4

Can you help?

14Daniel Nashed  02.03.2023 18:58:01  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

@Melvin, sorry this isn't something I can help with directly.

Please open a ticked at HCL support.

15Ole Kamp Bauer  15.03.2023 11:25:42  HCL Domino Online Meeting Integration available

Hi Daniel

One of my customers have exactly the same problem as described in this blog.

Failed to Validate your Token.

, Please use the Get Token to get your Token and paste it into the Token field.

The problem here is the customers firewall (Fortinet firewall)

If the firewall is set to check on firewall rules lay 7 filters - it fails. Without - anythings works fine!



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