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Daniel Nashed

Flexnet download via curl

Daniel Nashed – 29 September 2021 04:59:00
Flexnet doesn't offer options to automatically download software via curl or other tools directly.
But if you are authenticated already in the portal and got a download-link, this download link works for a while and could be used on another machine.

1. Log into the Flexnet portal

2. Search the file

3. Find and copy the download URL by right clicking the link

4. Invoke curl on another machine using the URL (take care to add single quotes because & is a special char on Linux)

5. Specify the output file via -o

6. Verify the checksum via sha256sum

It would be cool if Flexnet would allow to authenticate via command line and allow those type of downloads directly ..
But maybe this tip makes your life a bit easier. For me it saves manually uploading the files to my server after download.

Just downloaded the latest Traveler 12.0.0 FP2 for Linux this way..

On Windows you need double quotes instead of single quotes.

-- Daniel

Image:Flexnet download via curl

curl  '
-o Traveler_12.0.0FP2_Linux_ML.tar.gz

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