First impressions from Engage Conference in Rotterdam this week
Daniel Nashed – 23 May 2018 20:39:40
Just back from #engageug. The conference was the best conference I have been for a long time! Beside the great venue on the cruise ship the HCL sessions technical session and specially the round tables have been a big positive surprise for me.
As a already posted this week my impression is that the move from IBM to HCL gave a big positive push to the development team!
The feedback they took and there reactions to our ideas what the details we got about Notes/Domino/Verse/Sametime 10 was more than positive.
I am really looking forward to get my hands on the first beta arriving for a closed group in June and a beta 2 is planned in July for a larger audience.
HCL is not only investing in the Domino server and all the new stuff like support, the client on iPad and on Android tables that is coming but they also invest in the Notes client!
Beside the new client functionality we have seen in the sessions there way more in the round table discussions that HCL and IBM did tell us. And they have been very open for additional feedback!
Not all of it will make it into Notes/Domino 10 but they are already planning for a Notes/Domino 11 release (planned for 2019).
Beside of of the features there is great news for AIX, iSeries/System i, SLES customers.
At our Linux round table we got the info Domino 10 is planned to be supported on all of those platforms!!
The only platform that will be dropped is Win32. The plan is introduce Win64 support for Sametime 10 and remove the remaining road blocker for dropping Win32.
In addition to that there is great news for customers who want to run Domino on CentOS.
CentOS is a long term release/free community edition which is source code compatible with REHL.
So with the feedback we gave at the conference and in our roundtable IBM/HCL is planning to introduce "best effort" support for CentOS 7 in Domino 10!
That means that you will be able to submit PMRs. You will not longer have to reproduce it on one of the other supported platforms!
One of the other reasons is that the base image for Docker in Domino 10 will be very likely CentOS as well.
There are already many smaller customers using CentOS for their Domino environment. And I am also supporting CentOS for my Domino start script.
So I am very happy about this move! This will be specially interested for smaller customers and maybe new developers who want start to look into the new stack that is planned for Domino 10 with Node JS.
HCL showed live code in their sessions and had iPads with the current build of the HCL Nomad to play with!
I am really looking forward to get my hands on the betas!
Thanks again to Theo and the team this marvelous conference!
- Comments [2]
1Ben Langhinrichs 24.05.2018 17:43:40 First impressions from Engage Conference in Rotterdam this week
Do you know if the Notes 10 client on Windows will also be 64-bit?
2Daniel Nashed 24.05.2018 17:52:11 First impressions from Engage Conference in Rotterdam this week
Question: Do you know if the Notes 10 client on Windows will also be 64-bit?
No the Windows client will stay 32bit for Notes 10.
There have been presentations where this wasn't completely clear.
We had a discussion about it in our roundtable. The Chief Architect for the client and also the offerings manager confirmed that they the Notes 10 client will by Win32 only.
But they are looking into Win64 for Notes 10 which is planned for 2019.
-- Daniel