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Daniel Nashed

Domino on Linux Start Script Sametime 11 support

Daniel Nashed – 17 January 2021 10:28:42
Now that we have the Sametime Premium Meeting Server, there are more customers looking into Domino on Linux.

In earlier days I had some issues getting the start script in combination with SLES working.
So ST wasn't never on my support list.  The SLES issue was going way when switching from init.d scripts to systemd and replacing the SUSE specific "rc" logic -- which caused the issues earlier. I removed that logic completely, because systemd doesn't need it on SUSE platforms.

With this change I started to look into Sametime on Linux again and I have now added Sametime Community server support to the start script.
The new version 3.5.0 will be available on our Domino Docker github repo in the develop branch first.

The missing part for ST 11 was adding the lib path for two specify ST directories.


Those directories are now added for all installations and should not cause an issue on servers where no ST is installed.

I also added a "resetstlogs" to include the ststart script "resetlogs" functionality.

So the Domino service will leverage the start script and you can take benefit on a central entry point for all operations like start/stop/console, .. including the "resetstlogs" command.

-- Daniel

1Aleksandr  17.01.2021 20:43:59  Domino on Linux Start Script Sametime 11 support

Great job!

2Michael Werker  08.03.2021 10:14:55  Domino on Linux Start Script Sametime 11 support

thank you

3Tim Mergard  12.03.2021 15:01:48  Domino on Linux Start Script Sametime 11 support

Thank you !



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