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Daniel Nashed

Domino on Linux Platforms

Daniel Nashed – 4 March 2019 14:11:21
Now that we have official Domino support for CentOS I would expect everyone who needs a free server OS to look into CentOS.
Still -- I got the second person in two weeks looking into Domino on Ubuntu.

Just to be clear -- everything that is not RHEL, SLES or CentOS LTS with a matching release is completely unsupported by IBM/HCL and also by my Start Script and other solutions.
I will not answer any questions for anyone using Ubuntu or other distributions!

My start script is completely free of charge and I am trying to answer every question.
But I cannot spend additional time to look into other distributions.

And I also don't see a need for looking into other distribution since CentOS is supported.
CentOS is also the base for the official Domino on Docker script. And is also used as the current development platform at HCL.

There are huge differences between Linux versions and distributions and it doesn't make sense to use anything untested and unsupported!

CentOS administration isn't that difficult. But maybe I should post a quickstart HOWTO for Domino on CentOS?
A setup from a minimal image just takes a couple of minutes and there are not many command line steps to follow.
I have added a sample rule for the firewall configuration xml to my start script which can be used to open the NRPC port.
Firewall and network configuration might be the only two a bit more complicated steps beside systemd (but systemd is something that you will have to deal with in any case).

-- Daniel


1Henning Heinz  04.03.2019 16:23:38  Domino on Linux Platforms

Thank you. I will continue to use Debian.

It just works and never disappointed me.

But finally having CentOS is good.

2Eric  04.03.2019 19:45:51  Domino on Linux Platforms

Daniel, I appreciate all you do for the community. I would be happy to test steps you provide. I am new to this but have managed to get CENTOS and Domino 9.x running nicely together using your excellent scripts and some notes I have collected from various places.


3Oliver Busse  04.03.2019 22:13:15  Domino on Linux Platforms


it's totally fine not to support your awesome start script for any other *IX platform as long as it's not officially supported.

Of course everyone appreciates that IBM/HCL is supporting a non-commercial OS now. But personal preferences and experiences may vary.

To explain my PoV: with Ubuntu I don't have to do anything prior the Domino installation - which is great for demos in a VM. For production this is a totally different story. And from what I know I have to do a bunch of additional steps before I can start with Domino at all.

As the Docker scripts use the CentOS image I guess it's mandatory to get familiar with it but as long as I am not a Docker user I avoid CentOS or any other of the YUM/RPM based distros.

Yes, these are different concepts - and this is exactly why I like Debian based distros.

I'd appreciate a "from-the-scratch" guide on how to start with CentOS as already the installer drives me crazy. Maybe I use the wrong one (I use the one you can download from the official page). Graphical installers? Seriously? For a server? And from what I can tell it takes a lot more than 5 minutes to get it up and running - at least 20 for the installer.

I count on your experience here ;-)

4Shillem Volpato  05.03.2019 7:32:57  Domino on Linux Platforms

For what IBM support is worth I choose Debian every day of the week

5Sean Cull  05.03.2019 8:57:33  Domino on Linux Platforms

Hello Daniel, first of all many thanks for your scripts, me and my team have used them for many years and they have been great.

I am a big CentOS fan and we have used it in production for our SaaS offerings 10+ years but ironically we are moving to Windows :-(

Our platform of choice is now Azure and while you can run CentOs it is not a vanilla CentOS from CentOS but rather from a choice of companies that tune the core version. All of the other distros are there in vanilla form but not CentOS. Exactly what these tuned versions do and how they are supported is not clear even after several calls to the US.

In theory you can build CentOS from scratch but I tried and failed several times. Even if you did manage to build it then it is not clear how the Azure agent that must be installed will be supported.

We have seen some weirdness with Domino around mail.send and an underlying issue with the TCP stack which appears to be needed to just drop the mail into IBM looked and believed it was an OS level issue and could not offer support. We found that when an XPage triggered doc.send in some cases the server would crash. I have seen other issues with sockets on the OpsView monitoring package on CentOS that also feel similar at a very simplistic level.

IBM case TS001161879 - " Xpages Thread is calling _Poll i.e. it is waiting for the data to be received on the Socket and not in any XPages or NSF Code"

All of this was enough to make us think that Windows on Azure would be a better supported option than CentOS - which made me sad but hey.

The good news was that Windows on Azure was more affordable than we had feared and is less expensive than Red Hat ( even before IBM acquired them).

It may all be different under Docker etc. but we spent a lot of time on this and I just wanted to share it with others as CentOS on Azure is tempting but you need to think about the support aspect hard if you are mostly a dev shop.

It will be interesting to see how Windows compares to Linux after years on Linux.

6maurizio  13.05.2019 13:47:33  Domino on Linux Platforms

Did somebody succeed to install Domino 10.0.1 on a virtualized (kvm) CentOS 7.1810 ?



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