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Daniel Nashed

Domino Blog template search fix

Daniel Nashed – 17 April 2021 06:53:58

The Domino community is still one of the most open and helpful communities I know.
I had an issue with the search in my blog after updating my server to Domino 11 and I had no idea where this was coming from.

Ben Erickson from Trusted Computer Consulting, LLC was searching for a post on my blog and noticed the search was broken..
He sent me this quick fix, that he got from HCL support, because he had the same issue.

The background of the problem is changed security.
Domino 11 sends "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" for security reasons, which doesn't work well with this content type.
So the solution was to change the agent involved to generate the right content type.
Here is what Ben got from support and what Ben summarized out of the ticket:

-- snip --

1. find the relevant code in the dXSearch agent's file and comment it out:

out.println("Content-Type: text/html;charset="+configdoc.getFirstItem("config_xmlencoding"));

2. replace it with the following:

out.println("Content-Type: application/x-javascript");

-- snip --

More blog template improvements?

I would really like to see more improvements for the blog template. There are some other issues I would like to see fixed.
For example the design isn't responsive at all and does not work well with mobile devices.

Maybe someone looked into this already and can help all others still using the blog template?
There is no other blog template I could switch to on the Notes space and I don't want to start over and loose all the history...

What do you think? What are others doing?

For how I am already happy, that the search is working again...

Thanks Ben you made my day!!!

-- Daniel


1Martín Ortega  17.04.2021 15:42:56  Domino Blog template search fix

Another way to solve the problem

Un saludo

2Daniel Nashed  17.04.2021 15:58:01  Domino Blog template search fix

Thanks Martín!

Yes this would keep the existing xmlencoding tag..

Now I have two solutions :-)

Before I had no solution..

3Martín Ortega  18.04.2021 9:40:19  Domino Blog template search fix

If you want, I can help you make your blog have a responsive design, you only need to follow my instructions.

We would make the change in phases, first the Home page, then the entries, etc.

In a short time your blog will be visible from any device.

Think about it.

Greetings from ESLUG

4Ben Erickson  13.06.2021 13:59:16  Domino Blog template search fix

Thanks for the kind words, Daniel. I just wanted to point out that this change has made it into the stock template for V12.

So after upgrading your server, if you just convert your database template to the "Domino Blog (12)" template and you've got the fix, good to go!

5Bob Balaban  31.03.2023 19:15:06  Domino Blog template search fix

THANKS! Search has been broken on my blog site for years, and this change fixed it!!



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