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Daniel Nashed

Domino Backup which type of integration would you expect?

Daniel Nashed – 9 July 2019 17:00:53
There have been a couple of other projects including Domino on Docker which took some time.
So it took some time until I was able to look into the Backup project again.
I have build a configuration, log and restore job database. It can be all in one database or in separate databases.

The integration with standard backup software for single database or snapshot backup is implemented via command-files.

So for each backup or restore of a database a OS level command is called.
I wrote some shell scripts / batch files which are invoked with a set of parameters.
Those scripts can be changed to fit for any backup solution which allows command-line integration.

The idea is to keep it very flexible. Here is an example for backup of a notes database including logging into a central log-file to show which parameters are specified.

Die Shell Script/Batch files are invoked and the output of the command is parsed from the backup application.
The command called will get all possibly important information for taking a backup.
This includes references to the backup type/name and backup mode.
And also the start timedate of the backup for reference.

The sample implementation below on Windows just uses xcopy (which isn't simple because xcopy isn't as flexible as I expected).
On Linux the command line options are more flexible.

The idea is to allow integration into backup applications (also allow snapshot backups) or offer integration point for your own type of backups.
For example on Linux you could leverage rsync to a different location.

What do you think of this approach? Is this what you need?

-- Backup --

@echo off
SET LOGFILE=c:\nshback\log\nshbackup.log
echo ---BACKUP DB--- >> %LOGFILE%
echo FullFileName    : %1 >> %LOGFILE%
echo ShortFileName   : %2 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupDbRef     : %3 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupNode      : %4 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupName      : %5 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupMode      : %6 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupStartDT   : %7 >> %LOGFILE%

xcopy /Y "%~1" "c:\nshback\backup\db\%7\%~2*" >> %LOGFILE%
echo: >> %LOGFILE%
echo NshBackupResult: c:\nshback\backup\db\%7\%~2
echo NshBackupRef: TestReference
echo Return: PROCESSED   (%~1)

-- Restore --

@echo off
SET LOGFILE=c:\nshback\log\nshrestore.log
echo ---RESTORE--- >> %LOGFILE%
echo FullFileName    : %1 >> %LOGFILE%
echo ShortFileName   : %2 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupDbRef     : %3 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupNode      : %4 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupName      : %5 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupMode      : %6 >> %LOGFILE%
echo BackupStartDT   : %7 >> %LOGFILE%
echo RestoreFileName : %8 >> %LOGFILE%
echo DeltaFileSize   : %9 >> %LOGFILE%

echo xcopy /Y "c:\nshback\backup\db\%7\%~2" "%~8.DAD*" >> %LOGFILE%
xcopy /Y "c:\nshback\backup\db\%7\%~2" "%~8.DAD*" >> %LOGFILE%

if "%9" == "0" goto skip_delta

xcopy /Y "c:\nshback\backup\db\$7\%~2.DELTA" "%~8.DELTA*" >> %LOGFILE%


echo: >> %LOGFILE%
echo NshBackupResult: %~8
echo Return: PROCESSED (%~1)


1Vlad   09.07.2019 19:50:25  Domino Backup which type of integration would you expect?

Hi, first of all , great idea to make Domino backup available, this is and always was a pain during deployment. Thank you.

Command like approach is good, I think two most demanded features are:

1. Leverage Transactional logs (do full + DBIID change, incremental backups.

2 help users of solution with DAOS object restore in addition to db restore.

Somehow customers find “TELL DAOSmgr listnlo -o restore.txt Folder/db.nsf missing” Very complicated, while it is simple 2 step restore procedure.


2Daniel Nashed  09.07.2019 21:01:18  Domino Backup which type of integration would you expect?


the solution is full backup api aware and supportes. full backups and also incremental backups using translog.

This will also allow point in time recovery. This is even possible with snapshot backups in combination with translog archive backup.

There isn't any API for finding missing DAOS objects. So all integrations need to be on command line.

I wrote scripts for TSM and also for EMC networked on Linux to allow NLO restore if really needed.

But in most cases you don't need NLO restores. In most cases the NLOs are still there if the prune threshold is higher than the backup retention time.

Having C-API support for listing missing NLOs per database would be really useful. I have just created a AHA idea -->

The feedback I am mainly looking for is the integration part. How to interact with a backup tool or with OS level commands.

I have one additional idea. The command executed could optionally be calculated via @formulas.

-- Daniel

3Gregor  20.07.2019 18:01:23  Domino Backup which type of integration would you expect?

Do you have a tool to create snapshot backup? Years ago I tried to compile backup tool under Archlinux, but it did not link properly.

4Daniel Nashed  20.07.2019 20:03:19  Domino Backup which type of integration would you expect?

@Gregor, no I am not looking into any snapshot tool on my own.

The backup project is intended to work with existing applications.

Most snapshot tools are coming from the virtualization world like Veeam.

There are also snapshot solutions on Linux file-system level.

-- Daniel



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