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Daniel Nashed

Domino Backup Next workshop preparations

Daniel Nashed – 25 March 2022 22:03:32
So far all our workshops have been using Linux.
Now we are loolking into another DNUG Deep Dive workshop.

Looks like the topic is going to be  "Backup Domino 12.0.x"

We figured out, that most admins probably would like to get hands on with Domino Backup on Windows.

Bringing up Linux large scale for a workshop is much easier.

Domino on Windows Lab

But we found a way to prepare Windows servers at Hetzner leveraging snapshots.

You first have to create a new server mounting an installation DVD and install drivers for disk and network.

Here is a good instruction. The only point that needs to be stressed out:
You have to remount the Windows ISO immediately after the drivers are loaded.

Else the setup cannot select the disk for installation.

Once all server is installed, you can take a snapshot and create new servers from the snapshot.

This sounds like the best option for Windows based servers.

Not that I am a big Windows fan. But Windows, VSS Backup and Veeam as an example backup application, sounds like a good lab setup.

Snapshots are your friend

Installing patches and Veeam Backup & Replication takes a while..
Therefore a snapshot will make most sense ..

Having a central cloud based environment is always the most safe option.

Preparing an environment like this during a workshop on a local VM could take a lot of time.

So this lab setup with Windows servers over RDP will probably make most sense.

It will be ready to setup an configure Notes, Domino and Veeam.
And of course leverage OneTouch setup -- which works cross platform being part of Domino.

What do you think?

Again this will be a workshop in German first for DNUG.

But we can always repeat it later .. There is now even a US Hetzner location with less latency for an US based workshop ..

Image:Domino Backup Next workshop preparations
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