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Daniel Nashed

DNUG Lab @DACHNUG conference running on Domino 12.0.2

Daniel Nashed – 3 June 2022 16:51:05

Image:DNUG Lab @DACHNUG conference running on Domino 12.0.2

This is going to be awesome. This is my new weekend project and it will be a full featured lab @DACHNUG conference this month.

I already setup a cluster running Domino 12.0.2 EAP1 with most of the new features.  And it is running in production style with best practices.

We will have a full lab environment to show & tell and for hands-on during DACHNUG conference.

And it will continue to be a lab environment the different DNUG focus groups will work with.

We are planning to add SafeLinx and Nomad web next week.

And I just created a registration database leveraging the Domino CA process to create users in ID Vault.

All other new features like TOTP and DKIM outbound are added step by step over the couple of next days.

It is built all on best practices also in the back-end with a SSH tunnel from the Linux (CentOS Stream 9) machine to the Windows 2022 server securing the RDP port.

This environment will have all cool new features.

See previous post for more details..

Have a great weekend!

-- Daniel

Image:DNUG Lab @DACHNUG conference running on Domino 12.0.2

1Thorsten Ebers  05.06.2022 18:22:19  DNUG Lab @DACHNUG conference running on Domino 12.0.2

What a pitty I cannot be onsite to take part . Wish you all the best and I am sure it will be excellent classes.



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