DNUG Lab at #DACHNUG50 in Siegburg, June 2023 -- including K8s cluster
Daniel Nashed – 26 March 2023 09:54:55
For last year's conference we setup a full featured permanent Lab environment --> https://dnug.de/dnug-lab/
This environment is intended for members and workshops to have a fully implemented environment to test and learn about current Domino and companion product features.
For example the development focus group will use this environment for collaboration and workshops.
Last month we added a full production style Kubernetes cluster including our own Harbor registry running on the K8s cluster.
The Harbor registry is the same type of registry HCL uses to provide container images -> https://hclcr.io/.
The new Domino 12.0.2 container image has been added recently to harbor registry.
DNUG will also move the Sametime environment into this cluster soon. And we are running it as a production environment, which can be used by multiple DNUG focus groups.
Some of my presentations already leveraged configurations from this environment and it is also a kind of reference implementation for members to look into.
RKE2 + Rancher + Longhorn storage
We setup a Kubernetes environment with master node and two additional worker nodes running on Ubuntu 22.04 at Hetzner cloud.
The environment uses RKE2 + Rancher + Longhorn enterprise storage.
We also plan to have a DNUG Lab booth at the conference again.
This year I will bring a current Mac Mini with M2 instead of the notebook running Linux desktop.
#DACHNUG50 – Die Jubiläumskonferenz -- 13.-15.06.2023 – Rhein-Sieg-Forum / Siegburg
The conference will be the 50th anniversary conference!
The location is between Cologne and Frankfurt and very easy to reach from both airports.
After last years conference in the very southern not that easy to reach -- but very nice location in Konstanz last year, this years location should fit for everyone.
I hope also Austrian and Swiss members will find their way to the conference!
Call for abstracts is open
DNUG has a new event management application for submitting abstracts--> https://em.dnug.de
Hopefully there will be already a Notes/Domino V14 code drop around that time.
In that case my topic would be the first code drop...
Here is a link to conference page --> https://dnug.de/dachnug50/
I hope I meet many of you face to face at DNUG conference in June.
We are planning to have a Domino on Kubernetes workshop on the first day, too.
Probably everyone will be install an own RKE2 + Rancher + Longhorn environment -- there is still planning in progress and we are also looking for feedback.
We will deploy the latest available Domino version (release or code drop ..) and of course use our new Harbor registry ...
-- Daniel
- Comments [1]
1Gennadiy Sedykh 11.04.2023 14:48:44 DNUG Lab at #DACHNUG50 in Siegburg, June 2023 -- including K8s cluster
Hello. There will be streaming of this conference?