Disables update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
Daniel Nashed – 27 April 2010 21:01:41
I ran into this question today on customer site and I promised to look up the notes.ini setting for the customer. In case you have not seen this before it could be interesting for roaming users or Citrix. And also in some cases if you don't want to write the client information like hostnames of the workstation into the person document the following information might be interesting for you.
-- Daniel
When using roaming or in an Citrix environment the person document is often updated with different version number and specially machine names.
This can cause a lot of updates in the Domino directory -- specially in larger environments.
There is a new notes.ini setting that you could push via custom settings in the desktop policy to avoid updating the person document without disabling the dynamic configuration (which was the only way to prevent it in earlier releases).
Since 8.x you can use DISABLE_CLIENTRECORD=1 to disable updating the following fields
Notes Client License - ClientType
Notes Client Machine - CIntMachine
Notes Client Platform - CIntPltfrm
Notes Client Build - CIntBld
This might help to improve Domino Server performance in case of many roaming users or Citrix users.
- Comments [8]
1Tim E. Brown 28.04.2010 16:55:39 Disables update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
Here is some additional information on this for you also.
DISABLE_CLIENTRECORD=1 - This can be put on the client or on the home mail server to totally prevent the creation of the adminp request to update the client version in the person document. If on the server, the server will not notify the client to create the request. If put on the client, the client will ignore the notification by server to create the request. If you only have certain clients that you want to turn it off for, it should be put it on the client. If you need to disable on an entire server (everyone using that server as their home server) then will need to be implemented on the server.
Setting the "DISABLE_CLIENTRECORD=1" in the client's notes.ini will not have an impact on DCC, policies, SMU, or any other client to server transaction. This parameter simply prevents the AdminP request to update client info in the Person document from being generated from the client.
Tim E. Brown
2Daniel Nashed 29.04.2010 5:07:28 Disables update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
@Tim, thanks & interesting. where did you get that additional information about the homeserver? I cannot find it in AdminHelp, KBase, Domino Wiki, developer works or via Google.
3Tim E. Brown 29.04.2010 15:12:07 Disables update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
I got it from IBM Lotus support via a PMR we had open previously.
Tim E. Brown
4Mike I. 10.03.2011 10:03:11 Disables update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
5% of our clients ignored this parameter in the client notes.ini. So i will test it in the server notes.ini now.
Mike I.
5David Clover 08.05.2013 9:50:43 Disables update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
I've noticed that the view in my names.nsf 'People\By Client Version' which is supposed to show the current version installed by users has not updated for a while and I was wondering how I can force this? Is it only a setting on the client - or can the server somehow reach out and grab the version from the client to populate/update the names.nsf person record?
I had believed that is what was happening automatically but I have several active IBM Notes 9 clients on the system and they have not reported in as being used by the users where the version is installed.
Sorry to appear ignorant - but it's not easy to find out how this is supposed to work and whether it ought to be automatic by default.
David Clover
IT Development Manager
Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology
The Open University
+44 (0)1908 653529
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6Hefty 23.07.2014 7:52:47 Disables update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
For sure a great parameter in a Citrix environment.
But you need to keep in mind that with that parameter set no client initiated adminp requests will work.
i.e automatic sync of Notes and internet passwords by policies will no longer work
7Jay 12.03.2019 8:21:11 Enable update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
Good Day
How do I Enable update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc so that the current version of client is recorded?
8Daniel Nashed 12.03.2019 21:43:39 Enable update of Notes Client License, Machine, Platform and Build in Person Doc
Hi Jay,
it should be enabled by default. It's using Adminp unless you specify DISABLE_CLIENTRECORD=1
See details here --> https://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21182000
-- Daniel