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Daniel Nashed

Destination Domino / Notes/Domino 10

Daniel Nashed – 19 May 2018 09:26:16

Destination Domino / Notes/Domino 10

I haven't blogged much in the last weeks and I haven't been at IBM Think in Las Vegas for personal reasons.

The feedback I got from partners and customers after IBM Think and at the Swiss user Group (SNoUG) event in Zürich was very positive.

I would have wished we would have got that energy back some years before.

Personally I wasn't a big fan of feature packs. It has been a great idea to ship incremental feature releases in an agile style as soon they are ready.

But renaming "FP" form Fixpack to Feature Pack also introduced some technical deployment challenges and the market did not really understand it.

There are improvements in every fixpack and feature packs. For example some long planned features like NIFNSF and large summary data.

I have spoken at many conferences about best practices and features introduced in the recent feature packs.

Those new backend database features and other new functionality showed long term commitment even there was some not completely clear communication about support extension for the 9.0.1 release.

Having a Domino 10 release and already speaking about future plans like "Domino 11" is great news!
Now with HCL taking over the development including all the developers a Domino 10 release makes a lot of sense.

Development moved to a HCL location near to the IBM offices in Littleton, MA.Now they can finish implementation of ideas they started to work on years ago.
What I hear there is a lot of new energy and they are looking for 70 new developers.

IBM was reducing investment and staff not only for Collaboration software but also in other areas.
Having HCL as a company who believes in the product and sees the potential behind it as a platform is great news!

HCL is a large international company with locations world-wide and they wouldn't invest in it, if they would not see future in it!

The Notes client on iOS is a good example. The first versions of it existed already for a while. It's an own port which will be also available on Android!
And by the way the Notes 10 client will share the code base with the Mac client. The current plan is to have the Windows client available in 64bit with Notes 11 in 2019.

Looking into the presentations from IBM Think in Las Vegas I did not see all features and new development capabilities planned for Domino 10 that I did hear from partners and customers after the conference and from other sources.

But IBM and HCL are very clear about the long term support for Notes/Domino!

At SNoUG the picture was more clear and I am looking forward to the Engage conference in Rotterdam to see more details  -->
We also finalized the agenda for the German DNUG event in Darmstadt mid of June  -->

I will be presenting at both conferences and I am looking forward to meet many of you at those two events!

You should also keep an eye on the Destination Domino website -->

And I will be more active on my blog after the Engage conference.

-- Daniel


1Daniel Brix  19.05.2018 11:03:20  Destination Domino / Notes/Domino 10

Daniel, I agree with you and I wish you a great conference in Rotterdam with awesome news and a lot of fun. Sadly, I can’t make it to the conference. Hope to see you soon, somewhere else.

2Pablo  01.06.2018 20:33:58  Destination Domino / Notes/Domino 10

Will the Notes C API still work? Internally talking is it still using the NSF engine? In the client side will extension mgrs still supported? Thanks

3Daniel Nashed  02.06.2018 6:29:37  Destination Domino / Notes/Domino 10

Hi Pablo!

What in my post makes you think C-API might not work any more or something is happening to NSF?

It will all continue to work! And NSF and C-API are the foundation of Notes Domino.

-- Daniel



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