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Daniel Nashed

DAOS Backup Whitepaper posted in Domino Wiki

Daniel Nashed – 16 January 2009 06:27:57
There is interesting material posted in the Domino Wiki about DAOS.
To find all information about DAOS in the Wiki you can use this
Specially interesting is a FAQ and a Whitepaper about Backup/Restore (
This is already a great step but IMHO we need C-API support for Backup Vendors doing a full integration of their solutions.

I am interested to hear at Lotusphere what plans IBM has in this area...

-- Daniel


1Lars Berntrop-Bos  16.01.2009 8:44:16  DAOS Backup Whitepaper posted in Domino Wiki

Hi Daniel, the first link is a bit off, I think { Link } works better.

2JG  16.01.2009 10:05:29  DAOS Backup Whitepaper posted in Domino Wiki

DAOS - with a difference...

{ Link }

{ Link }

3Daniel Nashed  17.01.2009 15:03:15  DAOS Backup Whitepaper posted in Domino Wiki

@Lars, something got wrong with the link porperties when I pasted it.

That's for the info! I pasted the link again.

-- Daniel

4marvin  29.05.2014 11:57:21  DAOS Backup Whitepaper posted in Domino Wiki

5 years and counting and still no API to support DOAS restores.



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