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Daniel Nashed

Countdown Domino V10 - Be prepared and join us for the Bleed Yellow party

Daniel Nashed – 30 September 2018 07:58:54

Being part of the beta program I have been working with Notes/Domino 10 for a while.

As one of the lucky holders of the golden tickets invited to the HCL Factory tour in July, I had be quite early access and also actively worked with the later public beta giving feedback.

But also for me the Notes/Domino V10 Launch in October will probably bring some surprises!!

I am sure you heard of the launch event in Frankfurt 09.10.2018 (see
The first part of the event will be llive streamed from Frankfurt. But there is more planned for the day during the afternoon.

The evening before there is a DNUG Bleed Yellow launch party in Frankfurt where you are all also invited!
As an IBM champion and active DNUG member I will be at both events. Haha  I am already thinking about the yellow dress code for the evening event ;-)

And I will start upgrading my first productions servers once it is officially  released because I am always on the yellow bleeding edge.

Be prepared on Linux side

But I had also a discussion with a customer last week. They want to immediately install Domino 10 for some of their servers because of the changed database limits (256 GB maximum database size, ID table size improvements) for their archive databases where they need to be able to extract data and provide single NSFs without DAOS.

They are running on Linux and still use RHEL 6.9. As blogged before Domino V10 requires at least RHEL 7.4 and SLES 12 because a newer compiler is used.

So if you are a Linux customer running older Linux version you already can look into upgrading or installing new servers for the first pilot servers.

My hosted servers are still on CentOS 6.10. So I will probably move to a new machine on my secondary server first.

I general this is the way customers chose to update their servers specially in virtualized environments.
Domino has been always easy in moving from one machine to another machine by reinstalling Domino and just copying over the data (in virtual environments reassinging the virtual disks containing the data).

My start scripts already support Domino 10 and also the current Linux releases with systemd.
Moving over to a new Linux version that uses systemd might be the only more complicated part. Systemd is really different. But for Domino my start script will help you.

Migrating to Domino 10

Everything else will work in a very similar way than what we saw in previous updates.

This includes the new ODS 53 which needs the new create_r10_databases=1 notes.ini setting in the same way we had in R9 with ODS 52.

Applications should work unmodified! This also includes C-API applications.

I have been testing my C-API based solutions which includes Servertasks like my Database Catalog "nshdbcat" or tools like "nshrun" which allows more efficient database maintenance (compact, fixup, update etc) and also my SpamGeek extension manager application.

All applications work unchanged compiled with the compilers used for Domino 9 on Win64 and Linux 64.

There is a new compiler used for Domino V10 and we are waiting for IBM/HCL to release details about official support for C-API based applications.

But you can expect that existing applications continue to work. This is also what I heard from other partners.

You still have to check with the vendor of the application to have an official support statement!

If you did not have a change to look into Domino V10 on your own, there is an interesting presentation from one of the lead developers and messaging architect for Domino.

Mike presented this session at DNUG conference in June. And I had the great honor to present it again at AdminCamp this month because the HCL development team was in the final preparations for Domino V10.

Here is a presentation to the original slide deck -->

If you have questions post comments or send me emails.

I am looking forward to see many of you in Frankfurt


Image:Countdown Domino V10 - Be prepared and join us for the Bleed Yellow party

1Michael  01.10.2018 6:52:47  Countdown Domino V10 - Be prepared and join us for the Bleed Yellow party

Hey Daniel

The link to the presentation is not working.


2Daniel Nashed  01.10.2018 7:07:09  Countdown Domino V10 - Be prepared and join us for the Bleed Yellow party

@Michael.. Thanks! Really odd. A direct link does not work. I updated the link to show the folder which also contains my presentation.


3Aman Thaledi  27.06.2019 11:19:20  IBM Domino/ Notes Client | SSO | SAML | Lotus Client

Hi Team.

Please share the SSO configuration of Domino Server(10.0.1) with any on the Identity Provider.

Best Regards,

Aman Thaledi



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