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Daniel Nashed

Domino V10 - HTTP Requests and REST Services from Lotus Script

Daniel Nashed – 11 October 2018 22:55:16

One of the long missed features in Lotus Script is to work with HTTP requests.
Since Notes/Domino V10 you can now use HTTP requests directly from Lotus Script -- For example to query data from a website or from a REST service.

In the beta I played around with it already. I was specially interested in authentication and HTTPS.

HTTPS now works and authentication can be implemented on your own. The a bit tricky part is the Base64 routine that you need for the authorization header. But there is a way to leverage the MIME classes for that.

So the following example helps you to get started. It builds the authentication header and also uses HTTPs to request a website.

Tip: Depending on the request you might run into issues with too many redirects which the function does not follow automatically. So you have to increase the limit as shown in the example.

For HTTPS the certificate needs to be verified. I have tested with my Let's Encrypt Certificated and it worked well.

Another tip: If you run into issues with certificates or other parts of the NotesHTTPRequest, there is a debug notes.ini setting Debug_NotesHTTPRequest=1.

I have tested the following example with the Notes V10 GA client.

The Designer help has some additional information also for the other functions of that class.


-- Daniel


Dim Session As New NotesSession        
Dim ret As String
Dim URL As String
Dim headers As Variant
Dim user As String
Dim password As String
Dim webRequest As NotesHTTPRequest
Set webRequest = session.createhttprequest()

       user =
       password =
       URL =
Call webRequest.Setheaderfield("Authorization", "Basic " + EncodeBase64 (user + ":" + password))
       ret  = webrequest.Get(URL)

       headers = webRequest.GetResponseHeaders()

ForAll h In headers
               MessageBox h

End ForAll
MessageBox ret

EncodeBase64 (StrIn As String) As String
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim stream As NotesStream
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim body As NotesMIMEEntity
Set stream = session.CreateStream
Call stream.WriteText (StrIn)
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = db.CreateDocument
Set body  = doc.CreateMIMEEntity
Call body.SetContentFromText (stream, "", ENC_NONE)
Call body.EncodeContent (ENC_BASE64)
       EncodeBase64 = Replace(Replace(body.ContentAsText, Chr(13),""), Chr(10),"")
Call stream.Close
Set doc = Nothing



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