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Daniel Nashed

Domino on Linux Platforms

Daniel Nashed – 4 March 2019 14:11:21
Now that we have official Domino support for CentOS I would expect everyone who needs a free server OS to look into CentOS.
Still -- I got the second person in two weeks looking into Domino on Ubuntu.

Just to be clear -- everything that is not RHEL, SLES or CentOS LTS with a matching release is completely unsupported by IBM/HCL and also by my Start Script and other solutions.
I will not answer any questions for anyone using Ubuntu or other distributions!

My start script is completely free of charge and I am trying to answer every question.
But I cannot spend additional time to look into other distributions.

And I also don't see a need for looking into other distribution since CentOS is supported.
CentOS is also the base for the official Domino on Docker script. And is also used as the current development platform at HCL.

There are huge differences between Linux versions and distributions and it doesn't make sense to use anything untested and unsupported!

CentOS administration isn't that difficult. But maybe I should post a quickstart HOWTO for Domino on CentOS?
A setup from a minimal image just takes a couple of minutes and there are not many command line steps to follow.
I have added a sample rule for the firewall configuration xml to my start script which can be used to open the NRPC port.
Firewall and network configuration might be the only two a bit more complicated steps beside systemd (but systemd is something that you will have to deal with in any case).

-- Daniel



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