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Daniel Nashed

First look -- Windows 2025 Server

Daniel Nashed – 10 November 2024 15:05:05

Windows 2025 server is available. It very much looks like Windows 11 with Windows server admin interface we all know and "love".

What's new?

Here is a list of new features for you to get your own impression ->

There are no big surprises for a Domino admin.
But Windows admins will have to look carefully into the new features.
Specially to check for default installed applications.

Disabling Windows Definder Antivirus

The first service I disabled was Windows Defender. It took a lot of system resources on my small NUC server.
I even disabling all options the service took quite some CPU.

It's not that straightforward to uninstall unless you have this Powershell command at hand:


Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender

After a reboot your machine works much smoother. This is specially important for test environments with small CPU capacity and machines on your desk which are expected to stay silent.
What I also noticed on the virus scanner, that sending samples to the internet was enabled.

OpenSSH Server installed by default

A positive surprise for me was that OpenSSH server is installed by default but set to manual.

This can be convenient for secure remote access if you don't need a GUI.

Winget is installed by default

It's a tool to install and manage software. It's quite convenient. But your Windows admin might not like it.

In addition to installing software, Winget is also an easy way to list installed software packages.

Windows 2025 works on Proxmox

It is already listed as a supported platform when you create a machine.

I have installed Windows 2025 on my Proxmox server using Virtio drivers and SCSI.

That's probably how a Proxmox admin would expect it.
To get it working you have to add the Virtio Driver ISO during install to have Windows detect the disk during installation.

Afterwards you just install the driver package from ISO as well to get network access etc.

Windows container image ltsc2025

I also quickly looked at the new container image. It's good for testing and I am using Windows containers for testing Domino.

The new image also works in the same way the previous 2022 image worked.

docker pull

There is no official support for Domino on Windows 2025.

But we can't expect Windows admins will introduce this brand new version in production soon.

There is still some homework to for a Windows admin to find out about new standards and functionality enabled and to secure the machine.

My first conclusion

All my favorite add-on tools still work and my Domino container image also still works with some minor changes (but this isn't for production use, just for local testing).

The new package manager is a welcome tool in my environment. But maybe corporate admins don't like it.

Ubuntu LTS on WSL and containers continue to work in the same way they did.

Not that this update made me a huge Windows fan. But this is an improvement.

This was a first look only! Not a detailed walk thru. Just to show you what I have seen so far.

All in all I like the new Windows 2025 and prefer it over previous versions.

I just ordered new hardware for a new Proxmox server. So I can do more testing.


Does anyone already planning to run Windows 2025 in production?

Which type of applications would you update first? Which applications do already support Windows 2025?

Usually Domino should get support for a new major OS version at it's next feature release.

This would be Domino 14.5. So I raised this question in the Domino 14.5 EA forum today.

Example Winget list

As you can see I already installed my favorite Windows helper tools.

Some of them are already managed by winget by default from what it looks like.

Name                                                               Id                                                                       Version           Available     Source


7-Zip 24.08 (x64)                                                  7zip.7zip                                                                24.08                           winget

Git                                                                ARP\Machine\X64\Git_is1                                        

HCL Domino                                                         ARP\Machine\X64\HCL Domino                                     

Mozilla Firefox (x64 en-US)                                        Mozilla.Firefox                                                          132.0.1                         winget

Mozilla Maintenance Service                                        ARP\Machine\X64\MozillaMaintenanceService                                132.0.1

Notepad++ (64-bit x64)                                             Notepad++.Notepad++                                                      8.7.1                           winget

QEMU guest agent                                                   SoftwareFreedomConservancy.QEMUGuestAgent                                108.0.2                         winget

Virtio-win-driver-installer                                        ARP\Machine\X64\{ECC9556E-D54A-457E-86FE-4D555DA605DF}                   0.1.262

MobaXterm                                                          Mobatek.MobaXterm                                                                   winget

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) - 14.38.33135 Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64                                             14.38.33135.0     14.40.33816.0 winget

Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS                                                 Canonical.Ubuntu.2404                                                    2404.1.24.0                     winget

App Installer                                                      Microsoft.AppInstaller                                                   1.24.25180.0                    winget

English (United States) Local Experience Pack                      MSIX\Microsoft.LanguageExperiencePacken-US_26100.20.23.0_neutral__8weky… 26100.20.23.0

Windows Security                                                   MSIX\Microsoft.SecHealthUI_1000.26100.1.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe             1000.26100.1.0

Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8                                              Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8                                                    8.2310.30001.0                  winget

Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8                                              Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8                                                    8.2310.30001.0                  winget

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Desktop Runtime Package              Microsoft.VCLibs.Desktop.14                                              14.0.33728.0                    winget

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Desktop Runtime Package              Microsoft.VCLibs.Desktop.14                                              14.0.33728.0                    winget

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Runtime Package                      MSIX\Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.33519.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe             14.0.33519.0

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Runtime Package                      MSIX\Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.33519.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe             14.0.33519.0

Windows Terminal                                                   Microsoft.WindowsTerminal                                                1.21.2911.0                     winget

Windows Package Manager Source (winget) V2                         MSIX\Microsoft.Winget.Source_2024.1110.1517.48_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe    2024.1110.1517.48

Windows Subsystem for Linux                                        MSIX\MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemForLinux_2.3.24.0_x64__8wek…

Notepad++                                                          MSIX\NotepadPlusPlus_1.0.0.0_neutral__7njy0v32s6xk6            

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