Domino on Linux/Unix, Troubleshooting, Best Practices, Tips and more ...


Daniel Nashed


DAOS Tune 2.0 available for download on MHS

Daniel Nashed – 22 October 2024 09:59:15

The DAOS Estimator was a separate download to analyze attachments to estimate the size and deduplication of attachments before you enable DAOS.
Starting with Domino 14.5 EA1 HCL provides a new completely rewritten tool which is now also available for Domino 12.0.1 and higher.

The documentation is available as a PDF on MHS download site as well.

You find the latest documentation in the EAP beta here ->

The new DAOS Tune can be used to analyze servers before enabling DAOS and also to check if the DAOS settings could be optimized for an existing DAOS configuration.

The new tool provides more detailed information and recommendations.
You can also scan on one server and analyze the result file on another server.
But the most important point is that the new tool is dramatically faster.

If you have feedback or questions you should join the Domino Early Access program -->

I also had to accept a new license agreement before I was able to download the software.
So if you use the download script, you have to visit the MHS site first.

-- Daniel

Image:DAOS Tune 2.0 available for download on MHS

Here are the two new binaries for Windows and Linux


WebKit   :  DAOSTune Estimation Tool 2.0 for Linux

Name     :  daostune

Version  :  2.0

Platform :  linux

Size     :  808640

SHA256   :  4b9e7af34f3cbba9a699b4288e0e10088659c5b271b0abb58907630736107793

ID       :  vwWWuh6yyudOuRjutaHnW


WebKit   :  DAOSTune Estimation Tool 2.0 for Windows

Name     :  daostune.exe

Version  :  2.0

Platform :  windows

Size     :  121904

SHA256   :  fd701f71fe9db9e6750ce9d209e12d1f81775b4c87721877e3e8f7a0b605eb73

ID       :  0tKnEMt0jLK0LZhxuWve8


 USB  Linux 

Running Linux from USB stick on a machine with secure boot

Daniel Nashed – 19 October 2024 14:24:05

Booting from USB isn't always easy. My Thinkpad has secure boot enabled.
Even Ubuntu on my USB stick was signed, the boot failed.

The root cause was that only Windows root certificates had been enabled.

Allowing 3rd party boot key signing CAs is tricky

The solution is to allow 3rd part signing certificates.
But you need to be very careful when disabling secure boot or enabling 3rd party signing certificates.

If you have Bitlocker enabled, you will need your recovery key to get Windows working again!

If you don't have your key, you are in real trouble. You should note your recovery key anyhow! Not just for this operation..
In my case it was a new Thinkpad and the setup had synced the recovery key to my Microsoft account already.
Not that I asked for it or allow they sync/backup, but in this case it was great to have it.

Once the secure boot has been updated, I could boot from my Ubuntu Desktop distribution.

Bootable USB sticks with persistent partition size

A bootable USB stick is good to have as a recovery option.
But you can also use it to setup a Linux with a ready to use configuration.

Rufus can add a persistent volume partition to setup a workstation or server which you could run on any kind of hardware without using the local disk.

Provided you get the secure boot working ..

Image:Running Linux from USB stick on a machine with secure boot

Domino 14.0FP2IF1 for Windows has been re-published

Daniel Nashed – 18 October 2024 17:08:25

A Domino Interimfix (IF) is actually a hotfix with one or multiple fixes built and published for all platforms. Only the IF number in the file really labels it as a IF.
Domino 14 AutoUpdate knows about hotfix and IF numbers per platform and maps them accordingly.

In case of this IF the hotfix build for Windows had Windows VS run-time environment dependencies.
because the hotfix installer is still 32bit this required the 32bit run-time VC libs to be installed.

HCL fixed the issue for future fixpacks. But now also re-published the IF1 for Windows.
The old file is removed and the new file has a new file name, new hash and fileID.


If you are using Domino 14.0 AutoUpdate and have not downloaded the file, the old IF will be removed from your autoupdate.nsf.
But if you downloaded it, the file stays in autoupdate.nsf and is marked as a legacy document.
That's because HCL would not want to delete any software you downloaded.

But the document is clearly marked as legacy and you can use the delete action to delete it.

The new IF has a new HF number as you see below. MHS is updated and also the software.jwt data which is the source for autoupdate.nsf has been updated.

WebKit   :  HCL Domino Server 14.0FP2IF1 for Windows 64bit

Name     :  140FP2HF18_W64.exe

Version  :  14.0fp2if1

Platform :  windows

Size     :  32460848

SHA256   :  729fe5e006c0c46701e9e6098c24a573ab4a22f5352eeb8963d21ef088cc6f87

ID       :  dKN8b0rafN5ib3BEEx2Et

Modified :  2024-10-17T00:00:00.000Z


DNUG local meet-up 17.10.24 (today) in Monheim - Focus Notes/Domino 14.5

Daniel Nashed – 17 October 2024 22:52:18

DNUG has local meet-ups in different regions. Today is the next meeting around the corner for me.

It's like the next small town close to me.

Focus of this meet-up is Notes/Domino 14.5 Early Access Code Drop 1.

The main topics will be the new AutoInstall functionality and the OIDC server.
But we can also discuss other new features available in EA1.

Bring feedback and questions with you ... And if you are not around the corner, you should join the EAP Forum -->

By the way .. the meet-up is organized by DNUG, but is open to anyone!

Domino Container image custom add-on support enhancements

Daniel Nashed – 13 October 2024 19:28:20

There is a custom add-on functionality Matijn and Roberto just blogged about this week.

This was the missing tigger for me to look into it again.
It's a quite new functionality which wasn't fully documented yet.


I have added a new documentation mark down page-->

Custom data dir add-on updating

The functionality wasn't complete. There was a small gap.
Templates added via domino-data dir functionality was only added to the full domino data zip, which is only updated for new servers and when the release changes.

Domino add-ons already had a functionality to update those template files.
But this wasn't yet the case for the custom add-ons.

I have added the functionality to create a custom data tar file per custom add-on, which is applied on server update when the add-on version changes.

New image label DominoContainer.custom-addons


There is now also a new label for custom add-ons, which is using the file name of the custom add-on file.
For example nashcom.taz or

The version can be added after another # like this:

Support for custom-addons in ZIP format

Some business partner applications use ZIP files instead of tar files for installation.
This is probably because tar isn't a popular format on Windows even Windows has tar installed out of the box.

Now  business partners could modify the structure of their ZIP file to automatically install their application.

I took the OnTime ZIP file and moved the templates and binary to the expected directory structure and tested it today.

It would be very cool if partners would use the same structure.


NGINX Authentication Based on Subrequest Result

Daniel Nashed – 12 October 2024 21:07:46

NGINX comes in two different versions. The free open source version and the commerical NGINX Plus.

The free version basically supports:
  • Basic authentication
  • Client certificate authentication
  • Allow access by IP address

NGINX also has a very flexible programming model in C or LUA.

But there is an interesting additional option:

You can authenticate against another HTTP server.
When the user is not authenticated NGINX uses a sub request to check for authentication.

If the requests re turns a HTTP 200 OK, the user authentication was successful.

The result can be cached by authorization token (also in combination with the IP).

In my case I am sending the request to a local UNIX Socket instead of a web server.
The socket request is processed by a C++ program.

Using this approach I can implement any type of authentication on NGINX.
In my case I am verifying a JWT via OpenSSL code.

But this opens the door for any type of authentication integration.

The following example shows how it works in general.

Example configuration
  • Basic authentication
  • IP based authentication
  • Sub request integration
  • Cache the authentication even in tmpfs
  • Use a UNIX socket for the sub request


http {

  proxy_cache_path /dev/shm/nginx keys_zone=auth_cache:1m;

 server {

      listen            443 ssl;

      listen       [::]:443 ssl;

      server_name  _;

      root         /usr/share/nginx/html;

      ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;

      ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

      # Prefer the SSL ciphers for ECDSA:

      ssl_ciphers 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256';

      # Use multiple curves.

      ssl_ecdh_curve secp521r1:secp384r1;

      ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/conf.d/cert.pem;

      ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/conf.d/key.pem;

      add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always;

      http2 on;

      location = /auth {


          proxy_pass_request_body off;

          proxy_set_header        Content-Length "";

          proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Host $hostname;

          proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For  $remote_addr;

          proxy_set_header        X-Orig-URI       $request_uri;

          proxy_set_header        X-Orig-Protocol  $ssl_protocol;

          proxy_set_header        X-Orig-Cipher    $ssl_cipher;

          proxy_cache             auth_cache;

          proxy_cache_valid any   1m;

          # Use the authorization header and IP for cache lookup

          proxy_cache_key         "$http_authorization$remote_addr";


      location / {

          satisfy any;



          deny all;

          auth_basic           "Software Download";

          auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/htpasswd;

          auth_request     /auth;

          auth_request_set $auth_status $upstream_status;

          root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

          index  index.html;




Example request passed as a sub request

You can add all type of information to the sub request on top of the request itself.
IP address, hostname and TLS information can be helpful.

This opens the door for many different authentication options.


GET /auth HTTP/1.0



X-Orig-URI: /software.txt

X-Orig-Protocol: TLSv1.3

X-Orig-Cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

Host: localhost

Connection: close

user-agent: curl/7.81.0

accept: */*

authorization: Basic ZG9ja2VyOmV...

 CertMgr  ACME 

Troubleshooting CertMgr ACME HTTP-01 challenges

Daniel Nashed – 9 October 2024 23:55:20

Let's Encrypt HTTP-01 challenges can be tricky sometimes.
The server needs inbound port 80 open.

There is a script to help troubleshooting

The Domino ACME HTTPS-01 challenge troubleshooting guide also references this project and provides additional information.

I have updated the project to use the same troubleshooting challenge and updated the material.

But the Let's Debug project also provides a REST API for testing.

I looked at the project and came up with a Lotus Script Lib and added a form around it.

This is a true end to end test including a random challenge creation and a local pre-check via Curl.

The script is also a good tutorial for the HTTP Request class and JSON in Lotus Script.

The Script Lib and Class will be also the base for extending automatic setups.

Image:Troubleshooting CertMgr ACME HTTP-01 challenges


Ideas for a signing tool

Daniel Nashed – 2 October 2024 09:51:27

Template signing is an important part of your Notes/Domino security.
The only fully automated signing is leveraging the AdminP process.
But this would only allow you to sign with the current

Using the isn't a great choice because anyone who can run unrestricted code can sign code with the

A best practice is to create a Template Signing ID, like HCL has a template signer which is used to sign all templates.

But how to you sign with a signing ID?

Currently out of the box you can only switch to the ID and sign the database manually.

There are business partner tools out that to fill this gap. But there is no out of the box solution.

If we want more developers to sign their template right, we should help them to sign.

I am working on a signing tool and I am still looking for hte right functionality.

The basic command-line tool is done. But I also want to support delegated signing using a request database.

But I already have command-line tool I am using and refining for my own needs.

Today I added a check to only sign design elements which have not been signed by the signer yet.
I can open a signing ID from local disk, a profile or from IDVault. But I can't get it's name using public APIs.

But maybe this is the more flexible way. You can specify a string to check when validating the signature.

Not updating the existing signature has a performance gain during signing. But even more important, it would skip design elements not modified and does not re-sign them.
So the template design element would not be modified.

I am planning to make the basic command line tool free.
And my intent is also to offer a complete solution including a request based model to OpenNTF and other none profit organizations for free.

What do you think? Is this helpful if I only provide the command-line for free as a first step?

It would be likely not be open source. But free.

-- Daniel

Nash!Com Database Design & Signing Tool 0.9.0

Copyright 2024, Nash!Com, Daniel Nashed

Usage: nshsign [Options]

-sign                   Sign database

-refresh                Refresh database design

-changereplicaid        Change replica ID

-ntfserver     Template server

-id        ID File to use for signing

-password    Password for NotesID

-pwdcmd           Password command to executed to get the NotesID password

-user        User name for looking up the user name in ID Vault

-idfiledb    Database name to detach the signing ID from

-profile         Profile name to detach the signing ID for (default: use Shimmer ID)

-SkipSigner       Signer to skip (case sensitive but can be part of a string)

-title           Title for database/template

-template        Template name to set

-ntfversion   Version of template

-noteclass    Note class (by default all design elements). For hex specify the prefix X or H (e.g x200 for agent notes)

-publish     Take a backup copy and store new template outside Notes/Domino

Examples with skipping existing signatures and without

nnshsign.exe mail12_signtest.nsf -SkipSigner Templatex -sign -id D:\notes\id\nashcom\ -password xyz

[17C20:0002-1AA10] 02.10.2024 11:48:29   nshsign: WARNING: Database is locally encrypted: [mail12_signtest.nsf]

[17C20:0002-1AA10] 02.10.2024 11:48:29   nshsign: Processing 1167 design elements

[17C20:0002-1AA10] 02.10.2024 11:49:24   nshsign: Design elements: 1167 [Singed]

[17C20:0002-1AA10] 02.10.2024 11:49:24   nshsign: Runtime - 00:54.969

[17C20:0002-1AA10] 02.10.2024 11:49:24   nshsign: Signing - 00:28.934

[17C20:0002-1AA10] 02.10.2024 11:49:24   nshsign: Done

nnshsign.exe mail12_signtest.nsf -SkipSigner Template -sign -id D:\notes\id\nashcom\ -password xyz

[12624:0002-7E38] 02.10.2024 11:49:57   nshsign: WARNING: Database is locally encrypted: [mail12_signtest.nsf]

[12624:0002-7E38] 02.10.2024 11:49:57   nshsign: Processing 1167 design elements

[12624:0002-7E38] 02.10.2024 11:50:20   nshsign: Design elements: 1167 [already signed]

[12624:0002-7E38] 02.10.2024 11:50:20   nshsign: Design elements: 0 [Singed]

[12624:0002-7E38] 02.10.2024 11:50:20   nshsign: Runtime - 00:23.891

[12624:0002-7E38] 02.10.2024 11:50:20   nshsign: Done

Lotus Script NotesHTTPRequest Class returns double sized buffer for a GET request.

Daniel Nashed – 2 October 2024 08:42:00

I ran into this writing a new application published soon. It first looked like I got hit by the trailing CRLF.

But it turned out the buffer returned had the double len of what it should be.

This looks like a bug and there is already a SPR. HCL is investigating.

In my tests it is always double the size including the CRLF.

You could start searching for the end of the data. But how do you know where it ends?

My current work-around is to use the Content-Length header and truncate the string.

Here is a simple example of my work-around.

I would be interested if someone ran into similar issues. I tried all settings to prefer strings and UTF-8.

But this did not make a difference.

The returned JSON is not affected and returned differently.

I would like to hear from you if you ran into this too.

Or if you have different experiences and work-arounds.

-- Daniel

Function HttpGetRequest (URL As String) As String

     Dim Session As New NotesSession

     Dim headers As Variant

     Dim req As NotesHTTPRequest

     Dim ret As Variant

     Dim HeaderName As String

     Dim HeaderValue As String

     Dim ResponseCode As Long

     Dim ResponseText As String

     Dim ContentLen As Long

     Dim ResponseStr As String

     HttpGetRequest = ""

     ContentLen = 0

     Set req = session.CreateHttpRequest()

     req.maxredirects= 5

     req.Preferstrings = True

     Call req.SetHeaderField("Content-Type", "text/plain")

     ret = req.Get (URL)

     ResponseStr = req.ResponseCode

     ResponseCode = Clng (Strtoken (ResponseStr, " ",2))

     ResponseText = Strtoken (ResponseStr, " ",3)

     headers = req.GetResponseHeaders()

     Forall h In headers

             HeaderName = Strleft (h, ":")

             If (        HeaderName = "Content-Length") Then

                     HeaderValue = Strright  (h, HeaderName + ": ")

                     ContentLen = Clng (HeaderValue)

             End If

     End Forall

     If (200 = ResponseCode) Then

             HttpGetRequest = Replace (Left (ret, ContentLen), Chr(13)+Chr(10), "")

     End If

End Function

Linux LSOF is causing 100% CPU load inside a container in some configurations

Daniel Nashed – 2 October 2024 07:10:53

This hit me a couple of times and now I found the root cause.
I am still thinking about how to best solve it for everyone. But here are the current facts.

LSOF is the Linux tool to list open files and is used by NSD.
It runs into issues when the security limits allow too many open files.


The Linux security limits prevent processes to use too much resources.
Traditionally the security limits for number of open files was set quite low to 1024.

But some applications like Domino need a lot of open files because each lib, each open file and each network connection is a file under Linux.
The recommended number of maximal open files for the Domino user "notes" is 80000.

Usually you set this in /etc/security/limits.conf.

The container image sets this limit correctly. But it turns out that Docker or better containerd sets a much higher limit in some cases.
If Domino would switch the user like on a normal server, the security limits would be enforced and set to 80000.
But because the user the container is started with is already the unprivileged user "notes", the user is not switched.

Therefore the security limits are not changed by the Linux container.

Usually security limits for number of files should look like this by default:

ulimit -n


In case of certain Docker / containerd configurations the container runs with a 1024 times higher limit:

ulimit -n


This causes the high CPU usage with LSOF.


A first solution would be to explicitly set the number of open files when starting the container.

docker run --rm -it
--ulimit nofile=1048576:1048576 ubuntu bash

But probably it would be a better way to set the security limits before starting Domino inside the container to be on the safe side.

If the container launches with a too high limit an unprivileged user can still lower but not increase the limits.

I am currently testing if we should reduce the number of files to 1048576.

The only software currently affected is LSOF. But you never know and this would be a good defensive change.



    • [HCL Domino]
    • [Domino on Linux]
    • [Nash!Com]
    • [Daniel Nashed]